Muchang Bahng

Personal Notes: Philosophy

The following are the topics I have studied (and will be planning to study) during my time in the Korean military until November 2022. As these notes are primarily for my personal use, I did not spend as much time writing them in a manner that is clear for all readers. But since it would be a waste not to share them, I uploaded them on this website. All of my personal notes are free to download, use, and distrbute under the Creative Commons "Attribution- NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International" license. Please contact me if you find any errors in my notes or have any further questions. I have used the LaTeX editing program Overleaf to create my notes; diagrams are often drawn using the tikz package or iPad Notes.

Epistemology & Philosophy of Science

  • Knowledge: Knowing-that, how, of, Justified-True-Belief, Gettier Problems, Knowledge vs Belief, Nature of Truth, Inductive & Deductive Logic
  • Distinctions/Duality: A priori vs a Posteriori Knowledge, Analytic vs Synthetic Propositions
  • Empiricism: Logical Positivism, Verifiability Principle, Mathematics as Analytic (as opposed to Synthetic), Problem of Induction (inductive skepticism), Simple induction & Projection & Explanatory Inference in Sciece, Observation as Evidence: Raven Paradox, Informality of Induction: Goodman's Paradox, Popper's Theory: Falsificationism & Irrelevance of Confirmation, hypothetico-deductive model of science
  • Rationalism: Intuition/Deduction Thesis, Innate Knowledge Thesis, Innate Concept Thesis
  • Skepticism: Cartesian vs Agrippan skepticism, Skeptical Scenarios (Evil demon, brain in a vat, five-minute hypothesis, dreams, simulated realities)